Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare disorder. Identical twins in the womb, that is, twins who look alike and have the same DNA or genes, can have this disorder. This is a rare disease related . the umbilical cord. The fetus gets nutrition from the umbilical cord during pregnancy.
During the development of twins, the fetus has blood vessels that carry blood through the umbilical cord. In normal cases, blood flows properly through these vessels, but in this disease, the blood flow . the fetus starts . occur unevenly.
In such a situation, more blood flows . one fetus, while the blood supply . the other fetus is less. The fetus in which the blood flow is decreasing is called the donor and the fetus receiving more blood flow is called the recipient.
This condition is dangerous because the fetus receiving more blood is under constant pressure on its heart and blood vessels, which can lead . heart failure. On the other hand, the fetus that is receiving less blood flow can suffer from life-threatening diseases such as anemia, lack of nutrition and lack of oxygen. This condition called TTTS can occur at any time during pregnancy, even during delivery.
The severity of twin-twin transfusion syndrome is different in each case. The severity of TTTS depends on when the syndrome occurred during pregnancy, when it was diagnosed and what its treatment could be. Although the cause of this syndrome is not fully unders.od yet, believe that a problem related . the umbilical cord can play an important role in it.
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