The sensation of pain and suffering in any area of the head is called headache. The problem of headache can occur once or repeatedly. This pain can be felt in one part of the head or face or in many parts. There are some types of headaches in which pain occurs on only one side of the head, this condition is also called half headache. Any kind of stress or anxiety for a long time is usually the main cause of half a headache. Some types of serious infections like meningitis and encephalitis can also cause headaches.
Headache can be felt in many ways, such as mild pain, intense pain, feeling of pain and feeling like burning in the head etc. Half headache can include pain caused by stress . migraine and even cluster headache. If you are worried about whether your migraine is a sign of a serious problem, you should see a doc.r as soon as possible . find out. To diagnose the condition, the doc.r usually needs . know the patient’s past health his.ry and do a physical examination.
Some common ways . prevent and control migraines include eating healthy food, sleeping at least 8 hours a day, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and trying . avoid stress. Most people suffering from migraines get relief from pain . a great extent by adopting some common methods, such as making some changes in their lifestyle, learning ways . keep the body and mind calm and sometimes taking some tablets etc. also provides relief from migraines. Many types of medicines are used . treat migraines, such as analgesics, beta blockers, anti-depressant drugs and anti-epileptic drugs.
(Read more – Home remedies for migraines)
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